Oliver WelsbyBrightcore Consultancy
Delivering comprehensive, reflective, and transformational training and consultancy.
Oliver is a safeguarding and mental health consultant and trainer, with extensive experience in pastoral leadership as both a DSL and a Senior Mental Health Lead.
He leads Brightcore Consultancy; a team of consultants who have a particular focus on enhancing safeguarding and mental health provision in education settings.
He is both an Advanced Safeguarding Trainer and Senior Mental Health Lead Trainer.
Sexual Violence, Harassment and Behaviour in Primary Schools
Focus: Catholic Life
For: Headteachers, deputies, SENDCOs, school leaders
This session will focus on supporting Headteachers and DSLs with understanding the current context around SVSH and HSB in primary schools. We will look at the current national data, the statutory requirements relating to these issues, including what an effective whole-school approach to preventing them looks like, and how to respond and deal with these potentially complex and difficult cases, to ensure our provision and response is as effective as it can be.
Director’s Note:
So many of you asked for guidance in this area. Here it is. Oliver is brilliant. Get booked on.